Camp McCumber has been hosting Group Camps since 1954 and has gone through so much amazing growth and renovations thanks to the members in our community. ​We have so many to thank who make this amazing facility possible. Please be sure to read about our history in About Us.
Camp is always in need of VOLUNTEERS who like to build, clean, maintain, chop wood, rake, paint, greet, whatever it is, we would love to have you, see WORK PROJECTS below.
Camp is also in need of DONATIONS for much needed remodeling, renovations, upgrades, facelifts, adding new features, adding more capacity, to keep this facility a place that can touch the hearts of youth and adults. All donations are tax-deductible.
There are a variety of ways to DONATE! Feel free to reach out to our Member Organizations or Camp Managers to find out more.
1. MAJOR WORK PROJECTS we are saving and planning for
2. WORK PROJECTS and ADOPT-A-CABIN opportunities
3. WISH LIST of supplies and items the Camp is need of